

A user of the portal. Represents an account for use by a person, rather than by a machine. You can create as many portal user accounts as required. Note that the roles a portal user has relate to DLCS permissions rather than permissions on your image resources.


Supported operations¶

Method Label Expects Returns Statuses
GET Retrieve all Portal Users vocab:PortalUser 200 OK, 404 Not found
POST Create a Portal User vocab:PortalUser vocab:PortalUser 201 Created Portal User, 404 Not found


Supported operations¶

Method Label Expects Returns Statuses
GET Retrieve a Portal User vocab:PortalUser 200 OK, 404 Not found
PATCH Update the supplied fields of the Portal User vocab:PortalUser vocab:PortalUser 200, 400 Bad request, 404 Not found
DELETE Delete the Portal User owl:Nothing 200 OK, reset view, 404 Not found

Supported properties¶


The email address

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:PortalUser xsd:string False False


Create date

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:PortalUser xsd:dateTime False False

roles (🔗)¶

Collection of Role resources that the user has. These roles should not be confused with the roles associated with images and authservices, which govern the interactions that end users can have with your image resources. These PortalUser roles govern the actions that your handful of registered DLCS back end users can perform in the portal.

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:PortalUser hydra:Collection True False


Whether the user can log in - for temporary or permanent rescinding of access.

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:PortalUser xsd:boolean False False