

IIIF Authentication Service configuration. The services configured here are exposed by the DLCS on IIIF Image API endpoints, so that a viewer that supports the IIIF Auth specification can interact with them to acquire a cookie that will gain access to the images. The DLCS enforces access control on a customer’s behalf (this is essential for performance when many hundreds of image tiles are requested). This means it is the DLCS that implements the IIIF auth flow on your behalf. In one special case, ‘clickthrough’, you can configure an auth service in the DLCS that needs no runtime interation with your own systems. However, for more complex scenarios, the DLCS will need to direct the user to your (customer) servers during the auth flow, so that they can authenticate against your system. The DLCS then needs to query your system to acquire that user’s roles, and thereby determine what level of service it can offer the user for a given protected image. See RoleProvider for information. The fields of AuthService give you control over how the service will be presented in a viewer that implements the IIF auth flow.


Supported operations¶

Method Label Expects Returns Statuses
GET Retrieve an Auth Service vocab:AuthService 200 OK, 404 Not found
PUT Create or replace an Auth Service vocab:AuthService vocab:AuthService 200 OK, 201 Created Auth Service, 404 Not found
DELETE Delete the Auth Service owl:Nothing 200 OK, 404 Not found

Supported properties¶


Name of service

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService xsd:string False False


IIIF profile (what level of compliance). You will not usually set this.

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService xsd:string False False


Label that appears in IIIF model. This should be used by the viewer to present the service to the user.

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService xsd:string False False


Description that appears in IIIF model. This might be used by the viewer to present the service to the user.

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService xsd:string False False


Label that appears on pages generated by DLCS. If the user needs to see an interstitial page provided by the DLCS, this is the heading of the page. An example might be ‘you are about to be redirected to the single sign on system of institution X’

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService xsd:string False False


Description that appears on pages generated by DLCS. As with the label above, used by the DLCS to generate pages to present to a user during the flow.

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService xsd:string False False


Label of button used on pages generated by DLCS (or clickthrough)

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService xsd:string False False


How long a cookie session and bearer token are valid for (seconds)

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService xsd:nonNegativeInteger False False

childAuthService (🔗)¶

Child auth services of a parent (relationship between login and token,logout)

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService hydra:Collection True False


Method Label Expects Returns Statuses
GET Retrieves all Nested Auth Service hydra:Collection 200 OK
POST Creates a new Nested Auth Service vocab:AuthService vocab:AuthService 201 Nested Auth Service created., 400 Bad Request

roleProvider (🔗)¶

External service that can be used by the DLCS to acquire roles for user sessions. See RoleProvider.

domain range readonly writeonly
vocab:AuthService vocab:RoleProvider True False


Method Label Expects Returns Statuses
GET Retrieve a Role Provider vocab:Role 200 OK, 404 Not found